6 Freelance Tips To Earn More Money Than Other Freelancers

6 Freelance Tips To Earn More Money Than Other Freelancers

Freelancing is a very competitive industry. You’ll find yourself up against other freelancers that are more experienced, better at networking, and more skilled than you. However, with some hard work and these tips, you can rise above them to earn the most money out of all the freelancers in your area.

Sell your services through multiple channels

One of the best ways to earn more money than your competition is to sell your services through as many channels as possible. Sometimes, you’ll need more money to reach more people and this will be a necessity. Get on sites like Fiverr, Freelancer, and Upwork so that you can advertise your services in multiple places.

Increase your visibility with social media

Social media is a great way to increase your visibility. You can use it to connect with other freelancers and potential customers. To make the most of social media, post about your freelance services at least once a day.

Make sure you have the right mindset

One of the most important things you can do to earn more money than other freelancers is to have the mindset that those around you are your competition. Instead of looking at the other freelancers and thinking, “Wow, they’re so much better than me,” think, “I need to be better than them.” If you want to see success in your career as a freelancer, then you need to work hard and put in the hours necessary. You’ll be putting in long hours anyways–so make sure that you know what you want out of this career and don’t settle for less just because someone else has more experience.

Outsource to other freelancers

Let’s say that you’re a freelance writer and you want to take on the task of writing a blog post. You could do this by yourself or you can outsource it to another freelancer. Outsourcing is great for those times when someone else has the skillset that can get the job done better than you. It’s also cost-effective if you don’t have the time or expertise to do it yourself.

In this example, let’s say that the content of your blog post is research-heavy and requires in-depth knowledge about a specific topic. You can hire a freelance writer who specializes in research, but doesn’t know anything about your topic, to write up your content instead. That way, they can use their expertise while still focusing on what they’re best at doing.

This strategy works well because most freelancers have strengths and weaknesses; so by outsourcing more difficult tasks to other freelancers for an affordable price, both parties are able to be successful in their work.

Use freelancing platforms to find work

If you’re an inexperienced freelancer, your best option is to use platforms like Upwork or Fiverr. These sites allow you to post a portfolio and bid on projects posted by other people. This is great because it takes the pressure off of you to find work. Once someone posts a project, you can review the project and offer your services for a specified price. The customer reviews your portfolio and then selects the freelancer they want to take on the project.


If you haven’t already heard, Fiverr is one of the best sites to find freelance work. It has a very broad range of jobs and an even broader range of people bidding on them. The competition can be tough but if you can manage to get some good reviews, it will make your life so much easier when submitting bids.


In order to make the most money, you need to be in the highest paying categories on Upwork. Freelancers in these categories are able to charge premium rates because they’re more skilled or have more experience. In some cases, you can charge as much as $200 an hour for your services.

Freelancers with less experience should start at a lower rate so that they don’t scare away potential clients. This is important because you won’t be able to build your reputation if clients never contact you again after the initial meeting. You’ll want to steadily increase your rate over time until it’s equivalent with the highest paying categories.

You will also want to offer discounts for long-term projects and find ways to promote high quality work that will bring in high-paying clients. If you do this, you will earn more than other freelancers who are just focusing on getting as many projects as possible without caring about their quality or how much they’re charging per hour.

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